
Solomo’s Conjuration of the Olympic Spirits


 Manuscript source: Universität Leipzig
Signature: Leipzig Cod Mag 55
Date of origin: before 1710
Material: Paper
Author: unknown
Length: 9 double pages
Language: German
Transcription: Anne Hila
English Translation: Frater Acher

© Frater Acher 2021


The Conjuration

of the

Olympic Spirits

according to Solomon,

Son of David. 


[1] Accordingly, certain spirits are required for each thing, such as one for obtaining wealth, another for lifting treasures, yet another for things under the rule of Venus, and so on. So we also have to put different spirits here and teach their invocation.

Accordingly, the most distinguished among the Olympic spirits is Aratron. He is a deliverer of the other spirits, for which reason it is necessary to summon him first. This is done now with the following words: 

Eli Jehova, Elohim habab damali colling, esease milee conna se bub damani duc banavuur kaj ebascha.  

But first draw a circle around you with the following figure: make around the circle the following figures and signs, as namely on the right side a lamb with [2] a cross on its back, then the wounds of Christ; but on the other side these signs and a mouse:


After that, intone your incantation. However, nothing will be felt the first time. Nevertheless, do this incantation again after nine days have passed and ask for the same spirit again, then it will be heard with a great roar and much steam will be around him and he will ask what your desire is. Then you shall tell him your opinion, and after that he will provide you with a spirit as quickly as you ask. But take care that you can recite the above conjuration word for word, otherwise it will go badly for you. This is all for the first spirit.

[3] Bethor is a protector of the venereal things; therefore you shall use the following conjuration for this spirit:

Langusch Charusch lami lanolsata curi embouit caoroirse Venus sediel ac dura. 

The spirit will appear as soon as you repeat this incantation a second time after seven days. But make the following circle, namely that at the two corners there be a triangle with the following characters and letters: On the right side a dog with these characters:


and the wounds of Christ. And state thy desire, and he shall be obedient unto thee in this matter.

[4] The third spirit is Phaleg. He is a possessor of treasures, and use the following words with him: 

Thesaureur en le trout duc lour mon thea seurunc, che manlu empour Eloim.    

However, first enclose yourself in a circle that has four corners, and on the side write this word [Hebrew insert: Vav-Mem, i.e. and] and further these words written in Hebrew:

שכרכח [who forced]

תבענר [will burn]

אחים [brother, siblings

אכהר [I will clarify (?)]

After that, act as already described above. We have dealt with treasure digging; now let us deal with the other spirits.

[5] The fourth spirit is called Och, who gives one wisdom so that one may more quickly understand the books in which this art is described.

The fifth, sixth and seventh spirits are called Hagith, Ophiel and Phul.

These are the noblest; but if you want to banish them again, speak:

Lamech, Marci, Joannes, dicier se et abicus Laduf salum nac du dasle Lucas sebulda Beelzebub ne Each elenuf quaref ebolabatur. 

Then the spirits will be gone. As for the spirit Och, he teaches all kinds of arts, for example, if you want a mine [6] to give quick booty, let the miners drink from the Urim [text provides no further explanation of the appearance of this Biblical term of divination] and then attach these letters, so there will be no danger [Hebrew & Greek insert: Aleph-Beta-Aleph-Heh, i.e. ABA, father].

Or if you want a woman not to courtesy with other men, take the tail of a wolf, the hairs of your eyebrows and those under your beard, burn these to a powder along with a note on which are written the words Futuc cheche. In this way she will not hold another. Och also teaches to cure diseases. If you want to drive away a cough, let that stone, which is found in a sponge, hang around the neck with these signs, so it will change comfortably.


Also, if you want a fire [7] not to burn the cloth or anything else, take the white of an egg and alum, smear the cloth with it, wash it off again with salt water, let it dry so that fire cannot burn it.  

If you want to give someone an ulcer, make a ring of myrtle wood, engrave the following letters into it. Pretend that you want to give him a ring of rare wood and let him put it on his finger. As soon as he wears the ring, he will get an ulcer on his armpit. These are the words to dig into the ring: δε λανεγα. And he will not get rid of the ulcer until he puts the ring away and gives it back to you.

If you want to drive away the Padayra [?], take the right foot of a snail and hang it over the sick person, and a note on it with these words: εζαλμον ἐπα, so it will soon pass away. 

[8] Moreover, if thou wouldest that another should be afraid of thee, and that thou shouldest be mighty and fresh, and that thine adversary should perish, let a wolf's eye be sewed into a little bag for thee, and these words with it: [Hebrew insert: Heh[Tav?]-Dalet[Zain?]-Lamed-Aleph], and none shall overtake thee.

Moreover, if you want your beloved to tell you all that she has done, take the heart of a dove and the head of a frog, make them both dry, and while she sleeps sprinkle the powder on her breast, and she will tell you all that she has done. 

Or if you want to see what others cannot see, take the gall of a cat and the fat of a white hen and smear it on your eyes. That way you will see everything.

If thou wilt understand the voices of birds, take two birds with thee as when thou goest to hunt, and the first game which thou [9] catchest take home with thee, and prepare it with a fox's heart; so shalt thou understand all birds, so take it and kiss him with it, straightway it shall be done.

If you want to know future things, eat the heart of a weasel while it is still warm, and write these letters on it [Hebrew insert: Tav-Khet], so you will know what is to happen in the future. 

These and other things teach the spirits. It is also to be reported that the good things must happen under a good planet, but the bad things under an evil planet, i.e. Saturn or Mars; so I want to assure that everything comes true what is written above, that I have seen and tried it myself. From this it follows for the lifting of treasures, who shall succeed, he must not dawdle and not hurry, so that in the end all effort will not be in vain [10]. So let us come to the explanation of the same and how such a work should be started. 

At night, at eleven or twelve o'clock, go to the place where you think the treasure should be. Make a circle there four cubits wide, and around it write the names, Aaron, Moses and Elisha. Then make the following signs around the circle


Then begin the invocation of the treasures, which reads thus: 

Sebub Baal zeda Beezebub, lusor Elisa, Marcus et Lucas Semour, Leandae, Heautria mount a trate le curlande respurmande penetrav.

Do this for the first time. After two days have passed, go again to the same place, and after quoting the spirit Phaleg with the above incantation [11], dig about a cubit deep into the earth. Then make three crosses on it and repeat the incantation. But you have to let a divining rod strike before, so that you can see whether something is there or not. –

Vinculum Salomonis [Bond of Solomon]


I command and enjoin you and all your servants and legions with the infernal fire and by

Laray + Gemay + Naly + Arion + Fateson + fortissimus + Immortalis + potentissimus + Cedoon + Terribilis + Joth, He, Vau He, + Joth + Agla +.

Dear Lord and God, I have sinned much against you, but I call upon you as well as these holy names

Agios + otheos + Athanatos + Eleison miserere mei +

May you graciously forgive our sinful iniquity, that the spirits may be the better obedient to me.

Therefore, I quote you quickly, spirit N. together
with your servants, so that you may come
without delay [12]!

With humble heart,
they shall accomplish my desire,
for which you have created them. Come then, come!
Visibly and in human form!

This I command all you spirits, in the name of the great and unspeakable torment and chastisement of the damned in hell! That you may accomplish this work for me now!
