

Solomo’s Conjuration
of the Olympic Spirits

An 18th century German manuscript, possibly a transcript of an older source-text. A particularly fascinating text, bringing the Olympic Spirits into a context of ethically impartial folk- and sympathetic magic, as well as leveraging partially garbled Latin, Hebrew, Greek and barbaric words for their conjuration and banishing. Furthermore, on its final folio the manuscript displays the alleged Seal of Secrets from the Arbatel (1575).

A treasure trove for further study and analysis.


Pelagius Eremita
II Libri

A 17th century German & English transcript of a 15th century Latin original, detailing a full ritual of daimonic theurgy to achieve communion & divinatory assistance of one's 'good angel'. Almost 90 pages, please allow for slightly longer loading times for the original edition.



A relatively short German-Latin manuscript, probably from the 17th century, outlining a series of angelic prayers for achieving communion with one's personal angel. Possibly the original document and not transcribed from an earlier original. A wonderful example of the tradition of rituals for acquiring a 'familiar spirit' known at least since the 13th century.   



A short, possibly abbreviated, yet curious 18th century divinatory ritual combining angel- and folk-magical techniques. After a beautiful prayer the two operators leverage a glass filled with an egg-white to induce angelic vision and communication. The treatise should be read especially in comparison to the demonic instructions of the Arte Phytonica



An 18th century German transcript of a Latin original called 'Tractatus de Arte Phytonica', detailing the concise necromantic ritual required to conjure four spirits into a skull for divinatory purposes. A contrary example to the previous works - especially Processes Magicus - as a more grimoire-style ritual to acquire a personal divinatory demon.



The General-Key of Trithemius

A short 18th century grimoire summarising foundational concepts and practices of Late Medieval ritual magic in its most concise and essential form. Following such summery, it exemplifies the practice by providing detailed instructions on the creation of a love potion. Spuriously attributed to Johann Trithemius. 



An anonymous 18th century treatise - seemingly unfinished - claiming to explain the nature of one’s birth-angel and how to separate it from a man and seal it into a glass jar. It takes material from both Agrippa and Lupius ‘Schatzkammer’ and mainly deals with angel-magic through dream incubation.


{ to be continued }